The last week has been anything but productive. It is time to change that and get back to my NaNoWriMo project. The last post about my upcoming novel was a teaser about the Cerbera and how they relate to vampires who want to be fashionable and use their mystical powers too.
This leads into today's topic about some of those mystical powers. There are some universal powers like strength, dexterity, and empathic know-how. For more distinguishable and specific powers I will be using Calls of _____. These calls can range from mild to major and will help define clans, progenitors, and will allow me to do some pretty heavy "butt kick" when I need to. Please don't get the wrong idea, even small powers could have big uses. One of my characters may have the ability to barely move tiny things with their mind, but realize that blood vessels in the brain are those same very tiny things. Here are a few of the ones I am working on/with now...
Call of Blood: a defining characteristic of the Dracula Guard and the Vampire Lords that allows them to shape objects from blood. Some Calls of Blood require direct contact with blood while others require only it's presence. An example would be vampire noble coughing up blood and forming it into swords to fight with. The Dracula are masters of the Call of Blood with Selkhet using pools of blood to shoot chains at someone or bind them and Fenrir forming two wolves made from blood to fight at his side.
Call of Tide: a defining characteristic of the Atlantean ruling clans allowing for manipulation of salt water the same way the Call of Blood acts on blood. In addition, the most powerful of the clans will have some degree of manipulation over bodies of fresh water such as a river suddenly rushing or a tidal wave inside a lake.
Call of Flesh: a general charateristic of most high ranking vampire and Atlantean clans that allows them to empathic/telepathically communicate with someone they have tasted the blood/water of. With this ability a vampire can communicate with humans, other creatures, or their own progeny/clan.
Call of Path: an ability present to a small degree in all canids (werewolves) that allows them to see the paths available to them. Think of this as the instinct of always knowing which way to run or if you can really make that jump to safety. In the heat of battle you would instantly know the path of least resistance. For a vampire, this ability expands to also allow them to send out their consciousness along a surface and follow it. They would also see the hidden paths within a circulatory system or network of sewer drains. It sounds like a minor power, but I look forward to showing it's potential.
I also have the Call of Travel which will not be for the squemish, the Call of Nightmare which will act much as you can probably imagine, and the Call of Soul which I hope I can do justice to in the future.
There will be other abilities too. Each sub-species of vampire will have unique abilities and I will be using their environments to help define them. A couple of examples are Atlanteans will have abilities associated with sea life and the ocean, while gargoyles will have unique adaptations for life in caves.
To be continued...
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